
13 Jul 2020

Album update!

Hey ho! How y'all doing? If you're doing fine nod your head and I'm sure the universe will somehow bring the message to me. If you're feeling down, think of something nice someone did for you at some point in your life, maybe you'll feel better. If not, that's fine, let's just get to the update.

So we've been working on the album a lot. Especially since the virus hit the world. Stef, me and Jari live in the same house, which makes it easy to talk album-things and generally just work together, plan stuff, etc.

We've been mixing some of the songs to a point where we felt comfortable sharing them with people we trust and see what their thoughts were. One thought of Mark Benis, our USA based composer and co-owner of Moon Moon Moon Camp was to get some parts of the strings recorded by actual strings. Instead of plugins. So we've been working on making that happen. Patti Kilroy is gonna record the violins and violas. Hideaki Aomori plays the flute, piccolo and clarinet. Can't wait to hear it in the songs. We're all doing it very DIY since we're not a huge band with crazy funds, but it's nice to involve people from other musical backgrounds and learn from the process. 

Anyway, all is good. I wish I could send you all the stuff we're working on, it sounds like a magical movie! Or so I hope. 

Ok! - Mark