
16 Apr 2021

New album Beekweide out now!

With his second solo-piano album ‘Beekweide’, pianist and composer Job Roggeveen makes an hommage to the magical way of thinking, children do. The pieces with mystical sounding melodies are named after places from his childhood in the south of the Netherlands.

On my new album Beekweide, I try to evoke the sentiment of this magical time we call childhood, when everything seemed possible. It’s a soundtrack to surrealistic experiences I had at places with names like: Coevering, Hulst, Riel and Beekweide. These are areas in the south of The Netherlands, I roamed around for hours, while my parents had no idea where I was. A boy almost turned blind, because I was fantasising to be Robin Hood, including bo wand arrow. With a friend, I was on the run for an imaginary police patrol.
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